Architectural Services Department, HKSAR Government

New Civil Aviation Department Headquarters (Tier 4)
Hong Kong International Airport
In anticipation of the projected air traffic in Hong Kong International Airport, the HK government replaced the existing air traffic control system and developed a New Headquarters for the Civil Aviation Department which housed all currently dispersed CAD functional divisions into a single location. The project was constructed with approximately 65,000 sq meter floor area.

The design and build scheme was in itself a big challenge, especially on areas where various services were simultaneously required and this scenario necessitated an accurate coordination skills and a firm knowledge of the entire building services, in order to minimize reworks and/or double handling of works, thus mitigated potential delays to the works programme.

The provision of 100 CRAC Units for the Data Centre with the cooling capacity ranging from 20kW to 40kW and heating capacity of 2kW was a challenge due to the the fact that technical requirements were more stringent than normal commercial CRAC units as they help to handle flight data involving risk of human lives than data centres which are for stocks and commercial information. Adding to the complexity of the air-conditioning system is the nature of the building’s location, which is situated on four portions, namely Sites A,B,C and the temporary construction works area. A fixed link bridge was designed to connect one building to another while an underground service tunnel connected Site A and Site B.